this particular nutcase
made up of
XY chromosomes
st gabriels pri
st gabriels sec
30 12 90
manchester united
SLC exco 06
the rest is for you to find out yourself
manchester united
bloody posers
to play for manchester united
10 points for O levels
get rid of all the idiots in the world
being able to do whatever i want
for you to be happy and safe
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Wishing everyone a merry christmas! Yesterday when i was with my mum at the car park waiting for my dad, a little boy walked over with his mum.. He's so cute la!! Very chubby.. When they approached us the little boy was so shy that he hid behind his mum.. but in the end he shook my hand with his small palm and said hi.. so cute!! i guess i have an obession with babies.. i love them!! haha.. but of course i love someone much much much more..
some things change,somethings come and go,that we forget in a flo,but u're someone whom i will never let go of,i treasure everything.i love You, gerry.
so here's something for you all to crack your stone brains for
there's this something that some people in this world have, while some dont
those who have it have it all the time
it can bring one pleasure, but contrasting it can also bring one pain
so what's that something??
here's another 1
fuzzy wazzy likes fuzzy wazzy but doesnt like himself
fuzzy wazzy likes swimming but doesnt like to swim
so what does fuzzy wazzy like and dislike??
chim rite.. haha.. have fun working those brain cells of yours!!